Sunday, 17 May 2015


3D environments

As well as using Maya for Responsive I am using it for my COP practical piece, accompanying my essay which I based on the environment in animation and how it represents the uncanny and other psychological concerns. this would help me to gain some reference material to work with when considering my learning journey!

I will discover the pro's and con's of each method of creating environments. straight off the bat here are two examples of environments using two completely different methods, the first example is from a 3D artist called Rohit Nayak, using a range of 3D software including Maya. and the second example is from the film 'The Boxtrolls' from Leika studios. both the representation of a street. and there are different aspects that at first seemed very contradictory to my opinions on the different methods. at first my theory was that 3D software can be used to defy certain rules in representation of real environments, but as you can see here the physical set seems to be taking a more abstract approach to the representations of a street and the 3D version is replicating the precise measurements and sticking to photorealism. I will explore some other examples to better determine which method stretches the fabric of realism and which sticks to the laws of accuracy.

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