Sunday 10 May 2015

Applied Animation

Set creation!

My signature method that feature in a lot of my sets and creations are lollipop sticks! the way I would involve them would be to clip off the rounded edges and then file each individual stick to get a unique design for each one, this has its down side due to the amount of time this takes up, I get through about 400 sticks per set depending on the design, here is a time lapse of me crafting the sticks into wall panels and then glueing them onto the wall.

I was asked isn't there an easier and quicker method of achieving the same look to which I replied yes ... but this is my method! I can achieve very unique aesthetics, I could have certain boards peeling back creating an old looking, warn, wall and I will stick to this method for the rest of my career.

This is from the finished set but you can see the individuality of each panel

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