Tuesday 13 January 2015

Study task 4

What a dope!

Part 2

after my first attempt at animating my dope sheet, i was required to remake it due to the depth in which i went to recreate each movement in too fewer frames.

Here is my revised dope sheet for my chosen audio sample.

As you can see it is condensed into one sheet, with each phoneme lasting more than at least 2 frames (discounting the odd essential one or two) which provides a much more realistic animation, where as before I was key framing every phoneme on the first frame it landed on, which made things look too rushed, but when I shifted the way I key framed it all looked more natural and realistic.

so now i feel very comfortable with dope sheeting and have come to appreciate its essential-ism, i will be using dope sheets in every lip syncing I have to do.

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