Wednesday 7 January 2015

Study task 2

Part 2

Part 2 was a step up from part 1 in terms of adding complexity, the task was to create bouncing balls of varied material attributes. 

the graph editor got more complicated as I feared, but I also utilized the technique of isolating certain attributes for the balls so I wouldn't confuse myself trying to edit them all at once.

It was quite challenging to get a realistic look from the ball that looked like it was made out of a concrete type material, as you can see its not the most realistic, it looks as if it gets a boost at the end of its bounces, these are all things that I have learnt from doing these exercises. 


I am happy with the outcome, although there are minor changes that I would make now I have had more experience, such as making it look more realistic, by using the graph editor in a more finalized way.

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