Monday, 20 April 2015

Puzzle Range Brief

Piri Puzzle Virtual range

As a follow up from the virtual gallery, Piri art who were featured in Datomec's exhibition recognized the potential of virtual models and representations. here is the email I received from the managing director of Datomec:

I am sure there will be a big demand for what we are doing.
Am going to look for the domain 'Vworld'
Or something similar.
VW for short.
There will be a new page on Datomec to showcase VWorld and a new web site (eventually)
Virtual sets, galleries, high streets, products, shops ........ anything.
We can create anything.
The feedback I am getting from the artists is unbelievable. They LOVE IT. (Your work that is)
And they LOVE the concept.
Just imagine creating a high street. Both old and new.
A video combined with an interactive brochure directing people to other shop websites etc etc.
For PiRi ART + Design.
No more real exhibitions.
No more expensive renting of space.
No more costly framing and printing for show specific material.
No more limited footfall.
No start dates, no end dates.
We can create anything, anywhere and make it available to millions…….. instantly.

So there is definitely potential in what Datomec wants to do! but the work Piri wants me to do is to create virtual models of the puzzles that boasts the innovative design and to add any other designs for consideration, all staged like a real photo shoot. here are a photo of one of the puzzles:

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