Wednesday 22 April 2015

Collaboration Brief


The brief we have chosen, after much deliberation, was the i-D brief. it was quite a controversial choice due to the nature of the brief, I will explain shortly. but here are the main bullet points that sum up the brief and how we plan to aim whilst we approach the brief:

Capture the essence and energy of subculture in a series of 3 images

They should work as a group and stand alone images

Have a real point of view for your images

Avoid cliches

Consider reflect subject style

Unique twist

Literal of abstract

Originate don't imitate

3 Strong photographs that will work in print, cannot be collages or composites

Being as though neither of us have a photography background, we thought it was an ample opportunity to produce something different to all the other briefs that are going to be submitted to i-D and hopefully put our own creative twist into the creation!

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