Thursday 20 March 2014


i was really not in my comfort zone with these, i felt they all looked childish and felt like i was back in year 3 with the quality of drawings i produced, and after my tutor stepped in and told me to refrain from resorting the the scratchy style that i so dearly use, i started to gradually slide outside of the box that i trapped myself in!


As you can see i was being very abstract after being told to not focus on drawing the figure but the motion, it took me several attempts to break free from my evil scratchy clutches

Squash and Stretch

Here is the one i am most happy with, i finally got the message of movement across while focusing on a single main line of the human body that it creates. and the charcoal really helped because it made me stop trying to be really detailed or scratchy.

this has taught me several lessons: not all the time does the full figure need to be drawn to get a certain message across.
and the body has one main line that it follows, and that is a good starting point to use, i will use these lessons in future with every aspect of drawing, because often i am stuck as to where to start with drawing life models.

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