Friday 11 October 2013


This is my latest attempt at the pendulum task, to use timing and spacing to create the illusion of weight and momentum of the grandfather clock pendulum.

i really enjoyed creating this one due to the fact you can draw the animated parts first then when you have animated it you can draw the background. the only issue with this though is the animated bits could potentially look detached from the background, especially in more complicated scenes. but for the sake of just one moving part it was a pretty effective way of animating it.

I have noticed that the pendulum disappears at the end of the animation, which is due to the technique i used to create it, the background layer you cant animate on so at the start the pendulum is not there but i will be learning other techniques which could over come this.

also the pendulum looks transparent which i noticed after exporting it, its because the brush i used to paint it was at half transparency, which is my own silly fault.

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