the film is visually gripping due to the small world the little creations live in and the certain enemies they face.
it is animated digitally using a 3d software, i presume that there was no cgi used due to its cartoon feel and exaggeration techniques including squash and stretch on the characters, which i also think that adds to my theory that is more aimed at young teenagers due to its bouncy feel and characters that you feel emotionally attached to. but on another note its quite a dark animation (which i love) which leads me to believe that its maybe aimed at an older audience.
in terms of a message it is maybe trying to portray, there is alot of reference to death, and the little characters are told to be the living parts of the deceased creator so the hidden meaning could be something like 'those who are dead, are still here with us in our minds and in our hearts'
this also makes me agree with my previous opinion of the intended audience, as younger teenagers might not handle death as well as an older person.
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