Friday, 12 December 2014

Slowly but surely

Slowly but surely I am filling the scene to the desired look, after the crit I decided to keep the scene simple by not cluttering the scene with too many objects.

So with that in mind created the wardrobe, added a floor, and simple textures:

The wardrobe is smoothed but that will be removed due to the loss of detail in the doors, and the material will be a wood of type, paler than the floor.

Lighting in viewport

Working in the viewport doesn't show a very close representation of the final render, as shown in this photo comparison:

As you can see here it is a very dark viewport, the floor is completely black, where there is a texture beneath it, here is the render:

Evidentially there is a lot more light involved in the scene after rendering the frame out, you can see the floor texture and more of the cupboard is visible, this could be quite misleading as you cannot get a clear representation of what your render is going to look like.

I suppose this could cause problems in the professional world due to that fact one has to render every now and again to actually see an accurate representation of what you're building! which can increase workflow times.

Constraint problems


It took me a very long time to work out how to constrain my T-shirt to mooms hand ... i was trying to constraint but nothing was happening even though i was doing exactly what i should be.

this is until i looked at the menu 'nConstrains' 

Then it occurred to me


I finally was able to constrain the t shirt.

Another problem i encountered was that the t-shirt would just fall right through the hand despite being constrained but this was easily fixed by parenting a small cube to the hand and constraining the t-shirt to the cube and just making the hand a collider object!

This is going to be the process throughout this module, it wont be the knowledge of animation that needs defining but rather the technical skills to achieve this animation. the learning curve is slightly steeper though.

First play with moom before animating my final piece

Here is my first playblast showing my animation of moom, it was just a small walk cycle into a silly dance. it was very much straight ahead animation just to get an idea of how to animate the rig. this also shows my progress with animation skills.

I aim for as much realism in my animations by following the principles of animation, which can be applied to 3D animation just as much as any other style, as i develop my skills through maya i will be able to achieve a more accurate animation, by using the graph editor and such.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Propercorn Brief

With the help of the sessions in class I have completed the proposal form for my first brief for propercorn.

Here is the document:

BA (Hons) Animation - Level 05
Elliot Gascoigne
Module: OUAN503 Responsive

STUDIO BRIEF 1: Individual Practice

The Problems I aim to solve are…..

1.  The issue of advertising their product to the desired audience

2.  Bringing to life the companies motto ‘Done Properly’

3.  Connecting to the audience in the most appropriate way

In order to solve these problems I will…
1. Create a piece that will be in contact with the desired audience in their most susceptible stage of the day

2. Emphasise the motto through animation and getting the point across through different styles to engage with the audience in the most effective way

3.  Research into where the audience is most likely to take in information and retain it

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

1.  The companies motto as the main message ‘Done Properly’

2. Bringing their illustrative world to life through animation

3. The values of the product

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1.  Time Poor

2.  20 – 35 Years old

3.  appreciation of the arts