Saturday 28 December 2013


                                                   MY FAVOURITE FILM OF 2013!!

I have literally just got back from seeing the hobbit 2 for the second time! and once again I am astonished by the film.

everything even the story are fantastic, but I wanted to focus of the actual special effects! the compositions are so lengthy and detailed that it would take me a while to decipher the different elements, from camera filters to fog and natural happenings and lighting etc. but also the 3D models I have learnt to be so in depth that when they created the models before they rigged them they inserted every bone and muscle of that creature whether it be a real being or fictional, and you can tell when these muscles are being used so it was all worth it!

after watching the special features I was pleased to see that they included a small section about how they organized and planned their enormous task ahead of them, and i took alot of notes and created a schedule inspired by there organization, I will stick to this very strictly as to not let the same thing happen as in the last module I did where I sort of had to rush everything towards the final hand in which was very stressful but if I stick to the schedule I produced I will be on top of my work and have everything completed for the final crit instead of 1 minute before hand in.

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