Saturday 28 December 2013


      here is a lovely character profile video that someone has created on there own about a character called 'pascal' from the 3D animated film called 'tangled'. i wanted to bring this character to your attention is due to the likeability factor of him and the fun and bubbly appearance of him.

i wanted to see how i could make a character seem as cute and likeable and i came to the conclusion that it would be to follow one of the principles of animation from 'the animators survival kit': straight ahead animation; i could create a very fun looking character with similar bouncy movements, but due to the fact its 3D i am unsure as to how you could use straight ahead animation as the 3D software i have come across uses key frames which is used in 'pose to pose' animation (another different principle) so i will investigate further!

admittedly aimed at a younger audience this character still warms the hearts of any age due to its lively and bouncy motions!

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